
Hi!! It is almost 3am and i am waiting for my alarm to go off for 4am... you know that Little wait in the middle where you know it is just an hour and you cant really go back to sleep but you don't really want to stay awake either. That's where i am now. Ok. So now you most probably would like to know why on earth i need to wake up at 4am on a Saturday. Well its simple and scary and my new obsession. The Boeremark. I know i also think it is sad :) , but I cant explain how much i love it there.

 I cant wait to go there on a Saturday, so badly so, that my friends know i cant stay out late on a Friday evening anymore due to the 'important' reason that i need to wake up early on Saturday...Well this particular Saturday is even more special. My sister and her husband started selling fudge there as a fun project and they were also hooked, so this weekend they wi be away on holiday and my mother and I will be doing the 'job'. I cant wait to just stand there and legally observe the people. Then you finish at 8ish am and i usually try to sleep again but that does not really happen too often so then i listen to music or something,or play with my dog... she is next to me at the moment also awake. We are pretty in sync, when i am awake she will be too...when i drink water she 'desides' to drink too. Ok my post is already maybe too long but here's a little bit of today for me. Also i am so happy because i am off today and don't have any make-ups/styling/email (oh wait i do) maybe i must just leave it... aiiii toggie i cant... i feel guilty if i don't finish...ok anyhooooooooo cheeerrrriiiooooo                       Pics of my mood :)

some photography by Marcio Simnch ,Johanna Ruebel


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