Be part of the bully book 2014 share your story

My dad, Dr. Seale is writing his 29th book on bullies. A follow up of the book on bullies he launce this year (2013) and have had immense response because people could relate to it .We want you all to be part of the follow-up book. Bullies have become such an enormous prevalent matter in our daily lives be it in school, university or at work.
We would like you to share your stories of bullying. You could either post your story under this post or if you would like to stay anonymous email it to I would just need you permission to publish your story in the book that will launch in 2014 and I will send you a free copy as soon as it is out. If you don’t want your name published we will just sign it as anonymous.
Please just state your country and age.
Let the truth set us free and work together to stop this bully epidemic


  1. How amazing post !
    Come and join my blog


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