dis daai ou cliché van die binnekant wat rerig tel.

In my observing things this week, i saw something that really inspired me. Now i went through the whole ‘colour hair, cut hair, new me’ thing (which have changed a little and i do have long hair again..Sigh of relieve), but my dog, that goes by the name of ‘Pippel-joe’, never noticed a thing. Or maybe she did but couldn’t utter a word (it is just a matter of time for her to start speaking). I was enthused by her reaction. She looked at me the same way, waving her fat little tail, she was just as happy as always to see me; it would be the person inside that she loved more than anything on the outside.

Which brings me to my last point, I have dealt with various ‘famous’ (what is famous by the way) models in this week for a variety of shoots and have seen how beauty is skin-deep.  I hate the cliché phrases but this is true. The ladies that i would once consider beautiful, had some bad personalities and arrogance (i have a thing about arrogance... really despise it), and it is as if i could see nothing on the outside anymore and just the unattractive inside. To my surprise the girls that i thought out to be too ‘normal’ would be the ones that radiated true beauty.  Then i questioned my motives.
The picture of my dog came to mind, and i wondered if i had not done the exact opposite by looking at outward appearances. Even with the ‘arrogant ones’ that i now considered not so beautiful. I would still be looking at the outside box...don't we always,even when we do not realize.  It is a difficult one but my final conclusion led me to yet another cliché that speaks to my soul:

A beautiful spirit portrays true beauty... Or hotness in a guy's case.
I love dogs. I would love to love like dogs love. Have a Blessed day all.Motivational speaker now signing out.


  1. Love these pictures, beautiful as always!


  2. Nadja you are one of the most beauitful and inpiring people I know. Everytime I'm feeling down or just at a loss of inspiration I come to your blog. Beautiful as always!

  3. ahh wow thank you so much Esther, Means so much to get feedback like that! xxx

  4. I just adore this post !
    Your words are so true, beauty is only skin deep, it's the personality and nature of someone which shows their true beauty.
    I too hate arrogance, I think being humble is the ultimate virtue.


    p.s consider me followed :)

  5. Nadja, your words are so true and so full beauty! I love your blog!


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