
Ok now the other day a lady asked me ‘what I do’. Those words. The words that always confuse me to the nucleus. The nucleus.
I hope i am not just talking about myself it always bores me and i am sure it bores other people too. But bear with me, i am trying to straighten out the first question that i got. I went on the Gautrain yesterday for the first time to Sandton it was cool. I saw some people from the Magazines i worked for , and i realized how my life has changed in this year.
It started off with working for top magazines and ended up in rather wanting to sell fudge and cupcakes at the local food market.

So to get back to the lady’s question i had to answer: i am: Recent obtained Potter , Part time Chef, Make-up artist, Stylist, Vintage label owner, blogger (although i always find it rather humorous when people consider blogging as doing something, so it is said tongue in the cheek),take photos from time to time, and lately i have been coiling ...can in i say ‘coiling’? Is that real bad English?
 Anyway, coiling with the idea of somehow, being a florist. But i know it sounds cooler than i really am making it up in my head. I know this lady that used to be a medical doctor that completely stopped doing that to also be a florist. Maybe she is my inspiration. 
But on the other hand, i love all my other persona’s ranging from food to make-up to clay... i might just need to add flowers.

Ok sorry for the boring post hope the photos make-up for it :)


  1. you are so talented! :)

  2. haha x ek hoor jou 100% ^_^ loveley post Nadja, jy is so talentvol & so 'n inspirasie altyd! x Ek trek Vrydag Jozi toe!! Ek wil vir jou my testimony email oor wat Jesus die laaste 3 weke gedoen het, hoendervleis!! All the glory to our wonderful God & Saviour!! mail jou sodra ek kan xx <3

  3. Anonymous4:06 AM

    oh thanx nazira,ha ha i dont always consider it as 'talent' maybe more a case of me getting bored easily and having to do new things constantly but thank you so much for the compliment!

    Viv dis AWESOME ek soooo bly jy moet my seblief mail! Ek sal jou verseker bietjie kan gewaar aangesien ek nou 'n gesoute gautrain traveler, aspire om te wees

  4. Ek gaan jou nounou mail kay x en sodra ek ingesettle is dan maak ons ;n date!! YAY, wil jou so graag ontmoet in lewende lywe x is die email reg: nadja@nadjasele.com? xx


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