
Lately i have been reading awe-inspiring sections out of book of Hosea. It is so sweet and lovely, with it i found the meaning of a lily.
I have always had a love for a lily but didn’t really understand the spiritual meaning of a lily. The significance of it in a spiritual sense is a simple and trusting life. Lilies that bloom are the fruit of a simple and trusting life.
One of my favourite sections in  Hosea 14:5 says, I will be like the dew to Israel; / He will bud like the lily/ And will send forth his roots like the trees of Lebanon

If we look throughout the Bible for the mentioning of this word, LILY, we will realize that it typifies those who live a simple and pure life trusting in God, under the care of God, even in the midst of all kinds of complicated and complex situations around them.
We need to be such ones, those living a life fully trusting in God in the midst of our intermixed and complicated situations. (taken from a God man)

Simplicity produces a sort of life too. In our daily life we find that sometimes our Soul life (mind,will,emotion) can feel cluttered and unorganised . We need to go back to living simpler. I feel it to be something that needs to be organic too. If i try to live ‘simple’ if usually feel it to be a bit fake. But if i just go with an honest heart to God and tell Him: ‘My Lord i have no idea how to live simple i need your help,’ He fills you with a peace and reality. The true reality.

So may we all have the life of the lily in bloom.


  1. such beautiful words and pictures <3333

  2. Anonymous6:17 AM

    Bom dia... visita o meu blog atual
    Já lhe deixo o convite para visitar meu futuro endereço Srta. Sam que será lançado em 07 de setembro.
    Parabéns pelo seu blog sucesso.

    Srta. Sam
    Marketeira fissurada por Moda.

  3. Dear Nadja,

    I just wanted to say, that I totally fell in love with your blog and style :) You are such a beautiful woman and your pictures are magic!

    Greetings from Austria


  4. love your inspirations !!
    your blog is so nice !

    if you wanna get away sometimes, take a look to my travelling blog :

    cheers from France :)


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